Protection Of Personal Data

Basic information on the protection of personal data transferred to FAB DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ is given below., Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) art. In order to fulfill the disclosure obligation arising from Article 10, we present the following explanations to the attention of our customers and third parties who use our website and/or mobile applications. reserves the right to update this Statement on the Protection of Personal Data at any time within the framework of any changes that may be made in the current legislation.

1) What is the legal basis for to collect personal data?


There are regulations in various laws regarding the use of our customers' personal data. First of all, the principles of protection of personal data are determined by KVKK. In addition, Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce also contains provisions regarding the protection of personal data. In some cases, criminal sanctions are foreseen for the protection of personal data through the provisions of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237.

On the other hand, data must be collected and used in order to fulfill our obligations arising from the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and the Distance Contracts Regulation.

2)What methods does use to collect personal data?


The data provided by our customers who make transactions on the website or mobile applications are processed by in accordance with the consent of our customers and the provisions of the legislation.

The website, which belongs to FAB DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, is a site that uses cookies. Cookie; It is a file consisting mostly of letters and numbers that is stored in the internet browser or hard disk of the device in use, allowing the device in question to be detected.

In order to provide better service to its visitors and within the framework of its legal obligation, will collect, process, share your navigation information with third parties and store it securely, provided that it is not used outside the purposes and scope specified in this Statement on Protection of Personal Data. cookies; It stores the information it collects through log files, empty gif files and/or third-party sources to create a summary of your preferences. in order to make special promotions for you, to offer promotions and marketing offers, to improve the content of the website or mobile application according to you and/or to determine your preferences; may track your navigation information and/or usage history on the site. may match the information collected from you on the site by different methods or at different times, such as information collected online and offline, and use this information together with information obtained from other sources such as third parties. uses session cookies and persistent cookies in its mobile application. The session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard disk for a long time. You can remove persistent cookies and reject both session cookies and persistent cookies by following the instructions provided in your internet browser's "help" file or by visiting “” or “”. If you reject persistent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website or mobile application, but you may not be able to access all functions of the website or mobile application or your access may be limited.

3)How are Website Cookies Used?


The website, which belongs to FAB DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, is a site that uses cookies. Cookie; It is a file consisting mostly of letters and numbers that is stored in the internet browser or hard disk of the device in use, allowing the device in question to be detected. cookies; It stores the information it collects through log files, empty gif files and/or third-party sources to create a summary of your preferences.

We use two types of cookies across our sites: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookies and are valid only until you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive until you delete them or until they expire (how long the cookies remain on your device will depend on the "lifespan" of the cookies). cookies; It uses it to remember your preferences and personalize your use of the website/mobile application. This usage includes cookies that record your password and ensure that your website/mobile application session remains open at all times, thus saving you from the trouble of entering your password more than once on each visit, and cookies that remember and recognize you on your subsequent visits to the website/mobile application. is used to detect how you use the website/mobile application, including measuring how you use the website/mobile application, such as where you connect to the website, what content you view on the website/mobile application, and the duration of your visit. website cookies also; may use "advertising technology" to activate "advertising technology" to present you advertisements that it thinks may be of interest to you when you visit search engines, the website, its mobile application and/or the websites where the website advertises. Advertising technology uses information about your previous visits to the website/mobile application and the websites/mobile applications where the website advertises in order to offer you special advertisements. While presenting these advertisements, a unique third-party cookie may be placed on your browser so that the website can recognize you. is also a subsidiary of Google, Inc. It uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how users use the website, mobile application and/or mobile site with statistical information/reports. For more information about the use of Google Analytics (including opt-out options), you can visit:

In the mobile application, the SDK (Software Development Kit) of the relevant application is used instead of cookies.

You can allow or reject cookies using the following methods:

Google Chrome : You can allow or block cookies from the "Cookies" tab by clicking the "lock sign" in the address section of your browser.
Internet Explorer : You can manage cookies by clicking the security tab in the "Tools" section at the top right of your browser and selecting "allow" or "don't allow".
Mozilla Firefox : Click the “open menu” tab in the upper right corner of your browser. You can manage cookies using the "Privacy and Security" button by clicking on the "Options" image.
Opera : You can manage cookies from the "Cookies" section by selecting "Advanced" in the "Preferences" section of your browser.
Safari : You can select the "safari" tab from the "Settings" section of your phone and manage all your cookies from the "Privacy and Security" section.


In addition to the above options; To have information about all cookies and cookie management: You can visit,, or use the "Privacy Badger" application (https://www.eff .org/tr/privacybadger). If you reject persistent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website, mobile application and mobile site, but you may not be able to access all functions of the website, mobile application and mobile site, or your access may be limited.

Information about cookies on is included in the tables below:

Cookie Service Provider Cookie Name Cookie Purpose Cookie Type Cookie Duration
Google _ga Analytics device information – for use by applications in the Google Tag Manager system Persistent Cookie 2 years
Google _gaexp Cookie that holds information about AB tests – for use by applications in the Google Tag Manager system Persistent Cookie 85 Days
Google _gid For user identification persistent 1 day
yandex _ym_isad For ad blocking detection Persistent Cookie 2 days
yandex _ym_uid To identify users Persistent Cookie 1 year
*** AbTesting The value used for A/B Test management is stored in this cookie. Persistent Cookie 2 years
*** AbTestingCookies Values ​​used for Multiple A/B Test management are stored in this cookie. Persistent Cookie 2 years
*** COOKIE_CookieLawInformationPermission Permissions related to our personal data policies are stored in this cookie. Non-Persistent Cookie For the duration of the browser session
*** COOKIE_Popup Technical data about the popups displayed to the user are stored in this cookie. Persistent Cookie 1 Hour
*** COOKIE_TY.Entrance It is a cookie that stores information about the logged in user. Persistent Cookie 1 month
*** COOKIE_TY.FirstVisit It is the cookie that stores the user's first visit information. Persistent Cookie 1 month
*** COOKIE_TY.UserAlreadyLogged It is a cookie that stores information whether the user is already logged in or not. Non-Persistent Cookie For the duration of the browser session
*** COOKIE_uic It is a cookie that stores the demographic information of the logged in user, which is not an access token. Persistent Cookie 30 minutes
*** COOKIE_UserAlreadyLogged It is a cookie that stores information whether the user is already logged in or not. Non-Persistent Cookie For the duration of the browser session
*** COOKIE_UserTypeStatus It is a cookie that stores users' statuses. Persistent Cookie 12 hours
*** hvtb Provides information whether a user has visited *** before Persistent Cookie 2 years
*** pid It is a cookie that permanently stores the ID given to the user. Persistent Cookie 1 Year 354 Days
*** Sid It is the cookie that stores the user's session ID value. Persistent Cookie 30 minutes
*** SiteHash It is the cookie that stores the hash information of the cookies. Persistent Cookie 7 days
*** VisitorTypeStatus It is a cookie that stores visitors' statuses. Persistent Cookie For the duration of the browser session
qualaroo dirt The referrer cookies with which the person lands on the site come from document.referrer. Persistent Cookie 5 years
qualaroo scarce It is a cookie that contains survey timestamps and view counts. Persistent Cookie 5 years
*** NSC_QDJUFTU-IUUQT-XXX.USFOEZPM.DPN It is the cookie that stores sticky session information in order to proceed through the same session in all groups in Netscaler. Session Cookie For the duration of the browser session
Marketing utmCampaign30dtemp2 Keeping user visit channel registration information for 30 days Persistent Cookie 1 month
Marketing utmCampaignGO5d Keeping user visit channel registration information for affiliate campaigns for 5 days Persistent Cookie 5 days
Marketing utmCampaignLT30d Keeping user visit channel registration information for 3 months Persistent Cookie 1 month
Marketing utmMedium30dtemp2 Keeping user visit channel registration information for 30 days Persistent Cookie 1 month
Marketing utmMediumGO5d Keeping user visit channel registration information for affiliate campaigns for 5 days Persistent Cookie 5 days
Marketing utmSource30dtemp2 Keeping user visit channel registration information for 30 days Persistent Cookie 1 month
Marketing utmSourceGO5d Keeping user visit channel registration information for affiliate campaigns for 5 days Persistent Cookie 5 days


4)For what purposes does use personal data? will be able to record, store, update, disclose, transfer, classify and process your personal information to third parties in cases and to the extent permitted by the legislation.

Your personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • To confirm the identity information of the person who makes the purchase/purchase through the website/mobile applications,

  • To record the address and other necessary information for communication,

  • To communicate with our customers about the conditions, current status and updates of the contracts we have concluded under the distance sales contract and the relevant articles of the Consumer Protection Law, and to provide the necessary information,

  • To organize all records and documents that will be the basis for the transaction in electronic (internet/mobile etc.) or paper media,

  • To fulfill the obligations assumed in accordance with the distance sales contract and the contracts we have concluded under the relevant articles of the Consumer Protection Law,

  • To be able to provide information to public officials on matters related to public security upon request and in accordance with the legislation,

  • To provide our customers with a better shopping experience, to provide information to our customers about the products that our customers may be interested in, "taking into account the interests of our customers", to convey campaigns,

  • To increase customer satisfaction, to recognize our customers who shop from the website and/or mobile applications and to use them in customer environment analysis, to use them in various marketing and advertising activities, and to organize surveys in electronic and/or physical environments through contracted organizations in this context,

  • To be able to provide suggestions to our customers by our contracted institutions and solution partners and to inform our customers about our services,

  • To evaluate customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services,

  • To be able to fulfill our legal obligations and exercise our rights arising from the current legislation,

5)How does protect your personal data?


 Personal data shared with, has assumed responsibility as the data controller in establishing the necessary organization and taking and adapting technical measures in order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information in accordance with the relevant legislation in force. Being aware of our obligation in this regard, we carry out penetration tests at periodic intervals in accordance with international and national technical standards regarding data privacy, and we would like to inform you that we always update our data processing policies in this context.

6) Does  share your personal data?


Sharing of our customers' personal data with third parties takes place within the framework of the customers' permission, and as a rule, personal data is not transferred to third parties without our customers' consent.

However, personal data is shared with courts and other public institutions due to and limited to our legal obligations. In addition, personal data is transferred to contracted third parties in order to provide the services we undertake and to control the quality of the services provided.

Necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent rights violations during data transfer to third parties. However, is not responsible for any violations that occur due to the data protection policies of the third party receiving personal data and in the risk area under the responsibility of the third party.

Your personal data may be transferred to shareholders, to our direct/indirect domestic/international subsidiaries, to program partner institutions and organizations with which we cooperate in order to carry out our activities, to domestic/foreign individuals and institutions from which we receive services for storing data in the cloud, and to our customers in agreements on sending commercial electronic messages. with domestic/foreign organizations, the Interbank Card Center, the banks we have agreements with, various agencies, advertising companies and survey companies at home and abroad within the scope of various marketing activities in order to provide you with better service and ensure customer satisfaction, and other domestic/international third parties and our relevant business partners. can be shared.

7)What are your rights arising from the Personal Data Protection Law?


In accordance with KVKK, your personal data;

  1. a) learning whether it has been processed or not,

  2. b) request information if processed,

  3. c) to learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,

  4. d) knowing the third parties to whom it is transferred domestically/abroad,

  5. e) Request correction if it has been processed incompletely/incorrectly,

  6. f) Requesting deletion/destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK,

  7. g) to request notification of the transactions made in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) above to third parties to whom it has been transferred,

  8. h) Object to a result that is unfavorable to you due to being analyzed exclusively by automatic systems,

  9. i) We would like to remind you that you have the right to request compensation for the damage if you suffer damage due to processing in violation of KVKK.

8) How can I be informed about legislative changes regarding personal data?


The rights you have pursuant to KVKK are the obligations of We would like to inform you that we process your personal data with this awareness and to the extent required by the legislation, that in case of legal changes, we will update this information on our page in accordance with the new legislation, and that you can always easily follow the updates on this page.

9)How can I make sure the data is kept up to date and accurate?


In accordance with Article 4 of the KVKK, has the obligation to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. In this context, in order for to fulfill its obligations arising from the current legislation, our customers are required to share accurate and up-to-date data. If your data changes in any way, we kindly ask you to update your data by contacting us through the communication channels specified below.

10) Would you like to ask questions about your personal data?


You can reach us at any time via the e-mail address for any questions and comments regarding your personal data.